MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex Group
Willy-Brandt-Allee 300
45891 Gelsenkirchen

Address at Google Maps

Locations Overview

Masterflex Group

Masterflex Group Headquarter in Gelsenkirchen - Image of the Buliding

Facts about our Company Headquarter

Headquarter of the Masterflex Group with headquarters of the administration and the Board. It is also the largest production site of the Masterflex Group, focusing on the development of Masterflex brand spiral hoses. It is also the sales office for Masterflex DACH and International.

About the Group of Companies

About the Masterflex SE

To the Masterflex Website

Further Impressions of the Company Headquarters in Gelsenkirchen

Location Competencies

The headquarters of the Masterflex Group is located in Gelsenkirchen. It is also the headquarters of the administration and the Board. Around 150 employees, many of them from the region, work here. Central divisions of the Group worldwide are managed from here. It is also the largest production site of the Masterflex Group and sales office for Masterflex DACH and International.

About our Product PortfolioInvestor Relations

Iris Küpper

Secretary to the Executive Board
CEO Dr. Andreas Bastin and CFO Mark Becks

+49 209 97077 12

+49 209 97077 20


Working for the Masterflex Group

Gelsenkirchen is also home to the head of human resources. Job advertisements and training positions throughout Germany are managed locally here.

Current Vacancies

Geographical Environment

Gelsenkirchen with its 265,000 inhabitants is located in the middle of the Ruhr metropolitan region. And thus in the middle of Europe's third largest conurbation, which is directly connected to the most important European economic centres. Around 40 percent of the EU population live within a radius of 500 kilometres and account for almost half of the EU's purchasing power. With its excellent infrastructure, Gelsenkirchen has access to one of the most efficient transport networks in Europe.

Business Location GelsenkirchenOnline Portal of the City

Impressions from the City of Gelsenkirchen

Source: City of Gelsenkirchen