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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

May we introduce ourselves? Masterflex Group, global market leader!

The Masterflex Group is global market leader!


What sort of companies claim that they are world market leaders? Far too many, argues the University of St. Gallen and with this in view, the university decided to develop its own ranking index in order to identify 'genuine' global market leaders. And they have now ranked the Masterflex Group among these genuine global market leaders. "This is a really splendid honour for us and will encourage us to operate even better in future," says Dr. Andreas Bastin, Chairman of the Masterflex Group in Gelsenkirchen.

Masterflex Group is a 'genuine' world market leader

The Masterflex Group came from nowhere to score highly in the new world market leader rankings of the prestigious university, reports WirtschaftsWoche, Germany's leading business news magazine. Thanks to its development and production of hoses and connector systems made of high-tech plastics for customers all around the world, the Gelsenkirchen-based corporation is one of the 'genuine' global market leaders according to the University of St. Gallen.

The university is of the opinion that the terms 'global market leader' and the associated 'hidden champion' concept are frequently applied all too loosely. It was for this reason that the university, working in collaboration with the Academy of German World Market Leaders (ADWM), drew up its own 'World market leader index for Germany, Austria and Switzerland'. Used as a source of information there is a database that currently contains entries on some 1300 organisations that are potential global market leaders in these three countries.

What characterises a 'genuine' global market leader?

"We exactly conform to the selection criteria used for the purposes of the ranking," confirms Dr. Bastin. A 'genuine' market leader must be owner-managed and be based to at least 50% in one of the three countries in question. In addition, the organisation also has to be active on at least three continents and have its own export, production or distribution business. It must have an annual turnover of a minimum of €50 million and be either number 1 or 2 in its relevant market sector. Not only that, but its earnings through exports must constitute at least 50% of its turnover.

In contrast with other ranking systems, the new global market leader index employs objective indicators while the selection process itself is completely transparent. The selection criteria and results of assessment are all disclosed and the index as a whole can be readily accessed.

For more information online about the global market leader rankings of the University of St. Gallen, please go to:

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[Translate to English:] Eine tolle Auszeichnung, die uns weiter anspornt.

Dr. Andreas Bastin, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Masterflex Group in Gelsenkirchen