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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Discover your "you" with an apprenticeship in industry

Gelsenkirchen entrepreneurial initiative sets an example with large-scale advertising on the streetcar.


Gelsenkirchen companies have long since discovered the "you" in the industry. Now the local industrial association, which includes BP, Masterflex, NSG Group (Pilkington), Sabic and ZINQ (Voigt & Schweitzer), also wants to inspire young people - and is advertising with the slogan: "Discover your 'you' with an apprenticeship in industry".

With the support of Bogestra, the quintet of entrepreneurs is sending out a special signal for a professional career: since the end of September, a streetcar belonging to the Bochum transport company has been on the road in Gelsenkirchen and the surrounding area with extensive branding.

With this joint campaign, the five participating industrial companies want to draw more attention to the excellent career opportunities in the manufacturing sector. With a total of more than 400 apprenticeships - from A for plant mechanic to Z for machining mechanic - the regional industry offers the best prospects for starting a career, according to a statement by the companies.

This campaign is one of the many activities of the North Westphalian acceptance offensive "In|du|strie - Together. Future. Life", with which the industry presents itself as a committed employer and service provider in the region.

In the initiative, which was founded six years ago and is coordinated by the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), a total of 360 companies are now working to improve the image of industry. The initiative's homepage states: "Industry is one of the most important employers in North Westphalia. Almost 250,000 people earn their living as employees in industry. In addition, industrial companies are significant clients for numerous service providers."

Masterflex DACHGroup