MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Donation to the Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel

This year, we are once again using the Christmas season to support an initiative that is particularly close to our hearts: The Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel.


This department of the Gelsenkirchener Tafel e.V. has made it its business to improve the living conditions of children from poor families.

We would like to help here: Christian Horstkötter (on the right in the picture) and Christian Gemsa (on the left in the picture) today presented a check for €2,200 to Hartwig Szymiczek and Anne Bremer from the Gelsenkirchener Tafel on behalf of Masterflex SE.

The money will go towards the "Pausenbrot" initiative: in this project, around 2,000 loaves of bread together with fresh fruit are given to pupils at primary and special schools every week. The "Pausenbrot" is financed exclusively by donations. 


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Masterflex DACHGroup