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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Fleima-Plastic is part of the corporate network climate protection

Fleima-Plastic is a founding member of the corporate network Climate Protection, which was established only in the middle of last year, and wants to make an active and concrete contribution to climate protection.


The Corporate Network Climate Protection - An IHK Platform networks companies that want to make an active contribution to keeping our planet livable for future generations. The members focus their corporate strategy on climate protection, set themselves concrete savings targets, increase their efforts in climate protection, strengthen their climate protection know-how - and rely on active knowledge transfer. 

The first concrete measure at Fleima-Plastic is the display of an energy-saving poster. 

Andreas Pavokovic, Head of Quality Management at Fleima-Plastic: "The energy-saving poster is intended to encourage employees to act together at work and also to help them save energy at home. We have therefore displayed it in several places in the company."
