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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Food grade hoses in use at Waffel Löser

Find out what Masterflex hoses have to do with the deliciously sweet waffles made by Waffel Löser in our technical article.


If you're out and about on foot or by bike in the Taunusstein district of Orlen, you're bound to smell the deliciously sweet aroma of fresh waffles. No wonder, since 1949 the company Waffel Löser has been producing flat, shaped and design waffles in industrial production. The large wafer plates come out of the ovens every second. The industrial baking process is similar to that of waffle baking at home: flap open at the top and bottom, gas flame on, dough baked - and the crispy waffle is ready. However, the entire production process here is fully automated. The ingredients arrive from the suppliers in bulk packs and bags. From these, the waffle batter is mixed and then baked around the clock: Flat, molded and design wafers for cookies, sandwich ice cream, filled waffle eggs, meringue kisses or waffle slices.


Masterflex DACHIndustryFood and BeverageMechanical Engineering