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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex AG cooperates with Swizzbee -Fuel cells for electric bicycles

Up to date from IFMA


Cologne, September 2004. In the presence of Minister Dr. Axel Horstmann, Gelsenkirchen-based Masterflex AG and leading Swiss e-bike manufacturer Swizzbee AG signed a cooperation agreement at the international bicycle trade fair IFMA in Cologne. Both companies will cooperate in the future in the field of fuel cell bicycles for passenger transportation.

Masterflex AG will develop a special fuel cell system to power the current swizzbee 50c bicycle. An important milestone in the development of fuel cell bicycles has already been reached here with the prototype presented at the Hanover Fair 2004.

The aim of the cooperation is the joint development of market-ready electric bicycles powered by fuel cells.

Electric bicycles powered by fuel cells have a much greater range (up to 250 km) than conventional electric bicycles. As early as next year, the practical suitability of these bicycles is to be extensively tested in a joint test fleet. Following successful trials, the fuel cell bicycles are to be sold in the future via Swizzbee AG's existing Europe-wide dealer network. Thanks to the innovative product, both companies are confident of achieving a significant market share of the 120,000 electric bicycles sold across Europe last year.

GroupMasterflex Group