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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex Group trainees met in Halberstadt

Apprentices from the Masterflex Group got together for the third time, on this occasion in Halberstadt, where the company manufactures chiefly filigree hoses for medical technology.


During a guided tour of the plant, the apprentices were also able to take a look at the 'clean room' in which production is carried out under almost sterile conditions. Following a round of talks and lunch, everyone moved on together to the village of Thale, from which point they travelled by gondola lift for a journey up and down the Harz, Northern Germany's highest mountain range. The 'myth pavilion' is located right at the mountain station: The apprentices took the opportunity here to learn all about the mysterious hoof print that, despite wind and weather, remains unaltered on the rock. A puzzle to which the pavilion offers no solution ...

All in all: This year's apprentice meeting too helped all the trainees to get to know the Masterflex Group better and discuss with each other their experience of the training they have received.

Masterflex FRMasterflex DACHMatzen & TimmNovoplast SchlauchtechnikGroup