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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex SE: A Sporty Donation to the Gelsenkirchen Children’s Food Charity

Donation to the Children's Food Charity Gelsenkirchen


Today, Anthony Quinn, as Global Head of Marketing for the Masterflex Group, handed over a donation check of 1100 Euros to the local children's food charity in Gelsenkirchen. "We are always happy when we can really make a difference here," says Anthony Quinn with a smile. "After all, we know that our donation is put to such good use here. That's why we're pleased with this amazing amount raised - especially since our Masterflex team really broke into a sweat for this money!"

This donation came as a result of Masterflx's participation at a well-known local sport event, which saw a number of employees from the hose specialist dust off their running shoes in the name of charity. In August 2015, "Team Masterflex" took part in the first ever 6 km B2Run company run at the world-famous Schalke football arena. This was a resounding success in more ways than one. Not only did all Masterflex team members - including beginners - do well and complete the course, but Masterflex also achieved a very respectable 25th place out of 92 participating teams in total. Our fastest team member was even in the top 40 runners - a great success for all involved!

Of course, the children's food charity project also played a real motivating role in this excellent sporting performance, as the Masterflex Group awarded each of its runners a bonus as a donation to the children's charity. With this in mind, everyone wanted to do their best and this certainly showed, with the team raising a total of 1100 Euros for charity. With this donation, the Masterflex Group is continuing its long-established work with the Gelsenkirchen children's food charity. Long may it continue!


Masterflex (International)Masterflex DACHGroup