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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex SE: Record participation in the Tafel Christmas gift drive

Since 2012, the Masterflex Group has regularly supported the Gelsenkirchener Tafel with donations of money and goods. Now apprentices helped pack Christmas presents.


This year it is a record in terms of numbers: On ten days in total, eleven trainees of the Gelsenkirchen-based hose specialist helped out with the Christmas present campaign of the Tafel Gelsenkirchen. "Super action," praises Sigrid Weiser, chairwoman of the Tafel.

And so there were always at least two, often three "trainees" at the Tafel instead of at the office workplace. In the first week, cookies, coffee, chocolate and other nice things were sorted at the Nording site in Gelsenkirchen-Buer and made ready for distribution. The distribution then followed in the second week: at Bueraner Nordring as well as at Brockhoffstraße 18 in downtown Gelsenkirchen, the packages and bags were delivered to the man or woman. "What would we have done this year without the Masterflex trainees?" wonders Tafel chairwoman Weiser, who coordinates the campaign. "It's really great what's being done here. I don't know what we would do without their drive, but also their joy."

The cooperation between Masterflex and the Tafel is now in its fifth year. The starting point was the 25th company anniversary in 2012 with the rededication of anniversary gifts initiated at that time. "We continue to find the project right and important.And also for our young trainees, for whom social responsibility and prudence are thus also on the curriculum," emphasizes Anthony Quinn, Marketing Manager of the Masterflex Group.The apprentices are happy to lend a hand: "Here we are dealing with people who are really happy about the presents.That's nice to experience.And of course I also like the change from my normal day-to-day work," says Darleen Gemballa, a commercial trainee at Masterflex.

The annual cash donation from Masterflex this year amounted to 1,800 euros and had already been presented in August. The background for this was a sporting performance: For each participant in the B2RUN company run in the summer, the hose expert had offered 100 euros per participant. Masterflex was also pleased with the higher number of participants here: 18 employees not only put in a good athletic performance, but also supported the Tafel. 

The Gelsenkirchener Tafel has 165 employees. Of these, the majority work on a voluntary basis. The Tafel serves a total of around 4,500 needy people from the city.

The hard-working trainees (in the correct order from left to right) can be found in the photo.

Muharrem Ipcioglu, Darleen Gemballa, Lisa Moll (bei der Sortierarbeit)

Muharrem Ipcioglu, Kürsat Saglam (bei der Verteilarbeit)

Daniel Beitz, Karin Grauberg, Mürsit Karabacak (an der Tafel-Zentrale in Gelsenkirchen)

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