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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Matzen & Timm has launched an exemplary project and the Hamburger Abendblatt has now published an article about it

Exemplary project: Getting refugees into work


During working hours, refugees attend German lessons. “The project does not pay off in commercial terms. It is an investment that will prove its worth later”, explained Dirk Baumann, Managing Director of Matzen & Timm. Last August, well-filled order books prompted the lightweight construction specialist of the Masterflex Group, which operates globally, to seek new production employees. “We wanted to take a new approach to recruitment and also offer an opportunity to people who have come here as refugees”, Mr. Baumann continued. The trainers come to our premises twice a week for three hours. That saves their pupils having to travel long distances, while the company does not lose further working hours as the lessons can be aligned with the shift schedules. There is also a coach who helps the refugees in their dealings with the authorities, offers behavioural training and explains “how Germany ticks”.


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