MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Mint:pink gets going in Norderstedt …

Mint:pink gets going in Norderstedt …


... and we're involved too! Matzen & Timm are supporting the Mint:pink programme which enables female pupils to experiment in laboratories, visit so-called MINT locations and enjoy many opportunities to speak with successful women in MINT professions. MINT stands for mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology. The idea behind the project is to encourage even more girls to take an interest, and to explain the different ways of entering technical professions. The town of Norderstedt has been a project partner since 2017 and, together with the Entwicklungsgesellschaft Norderstedt (EGNO) development company, participates in a project for girls interested in MINT. Matzen & Timm is also involved in this project. The kick-off event on the Philips Campus in Hamburg was attended by over 500 guests and participants.

GroupMasterflex GroupMatzen & Timm