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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

More sustainability: Masterflex relies on photovoltaics

With the installation of a modern photovoltaic system on around 1,900 square meters of roof space, the Masterflex Group is taking an important step towards greater sustainability.


The new photovoltaic system on the hall roof in Gelsenkirchen helps the manufacturer of hoses and hose systems made of high-performance plastics and fabrics to cover part of its energy requirements from its own resources - and at the same time to permanently reduce its carbon footprint.

Specifically, Masterflex expects to generate around 340,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity in the first year of operation. The green electricity is to flow directly into ongoing production on working days. But that's not all, because photovoltaic systems produce electricity completely without generating climate-damaging CO2. "If we take the emission factor from 2019 as a basis, around 138 tons of CO2 can be saved," project manager Hans-Jürgen Günzing has calculated.  

Günzing is managing the project from the planning stage until the roof is generating its own solar power, which takes about six months.

A decisive criterion here is the roof load, because the roof must be able to bear a certain load. "But shading from trees or other buildings must also be taken into account," Günzing says.

A total of 10 companies are involved in the project in Gelsenkirchen - from plant constructors to roofers and grid operators.

Masterflex is investing around 300,000 Euro in the new photovoltaic system.


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