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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Novoplast Schlauchtechnik discusses quality of training with Minister of Economics

Ole Stein, Managing Director at Novoplast Schlauchtechnik, welcomed a delegation of visitors from the state government and parliament of Saxony-Anhalt.


Today, Ole Stein, Managing Director of Novoplast Schlauchtechnik, a subsidiary of the internationally active Masterflex Group, welcomed a delegation of visitors from the state government and state parliament, led by Hartmut Möllring, Saxony-Anhalt's Minister of Economic Affairs. He was accompanied by Heike Brehmer, Member of the German Parliament (MdB), Frauke Weiß, Member of the State Parliament (MdL), Martin Skiebe, District Administrator of the Harz District, Daniel Szarata, candidate for the State Parliament, and Thomas Rimpler, Economic Development Manager of the City of Halberstadt. The politicians wanted to take a look on site at the successful model of Novoplast Schlauchtechnik, which was founded during the turmoil of reunification in 1990 and is now one of the largest employers in the region.

After the tour of the approx. 20,000 m2 site with three clean rooms for grades 6 to 8, the company representatives discussed two topics in particular with the state politicians: The decline in young people willing and able to train in the region, and the ancillary conditions of the minimum wage.
Stein: "We have been training school-leavers as process engineers for plastics and rubber for years and are happy to do so. But the number of applications has been declining for years. Unfortunately, the previous education of these young people in terms of basic arithmetic, spelling and general knowledge is also following this trend. As part of an international group, however, we are absolutely dependent on motivated and well-trained young people who can also make a real career with us. When making multi-million investment decisions, our headquarters naturally also make sure that we have a sufficiently large and qualified workforce for the profitable use of machines and cleanrooms in the next five to ten years. What use is the highest-quality equipment if no one operates it? We therefore hope that the politicians will succeed in resolving this location issue in the interests of the people of Halberstadt and the region."

Stein also spoke plainly on the subject of the minimum wage: "We have no problem with a wage of €8.50 per hour. It's just that the minimum wage, which you receive without any qualifications, distorts the pay structure for jobs that are not so highly skilled. In addition, the bureaucratic expenses, not only in connection with the minimum wage law, burden the company's administration. This can be a disadvantage for this industry-poor region in terms of location."
Minister Möllring could certainly understand the comments. In particular, he commented on the issue of training qualifications.
State parliament member Weiß emphasized the mutual importance of training the next generation. Weiß: "Those who invest in young people are on the right side and are doing something for the future. It is also important that these qualified specialists find interesting companies here and are given prospects - then they will also stay in our region."

Landeswirtschaftsminister Hartmut Möllring und Landtagsabgeordnete Frauke Weiß lassen sich beim Besuch von Novoplast Schlauchtechnik vom technischen Betriebsleiter Jörg Pflaum die Produktion erläutern (© Dieter Kunze)

Novoplast SchlauchtechnikMasterflex GroupGroup