MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

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In the hose market, it is not only the right product that counts, but also a strong brand. This is just one result of the current Masterflex customer survey.


Today, buyers of high-tech hoses, with their often complex technical requirements, operate in a world where new players are constantly trying to gain market share. And while the variety of products continues to grow, many buyers are finding it increasingly difficult to select the right product and recognize quality differences. "In view of this initial situation, we wanted to know whether and to what extent our customers are also guided by the good image of the MASTERFLEX brand when making their purchasing decisions," is how Christian Horstkötter, as Masterflex Sales Manager, explains the aim of the survey. And indeed, the results of the survey confirm that the MASTERFLEX brand enjoys a very positive reputation among its customers. And image is becoming increasingly important as a decision-making factor for many buyers, because a strong brand is always associated with the good feeling of making the right purchase decision when choosing a product. And so it is not surprising that more than 90% of all respondents state that they are very satisfied with the product quality of the MASTERFLEX brand. 

And in many cases this has obviously been the case for a long time. Because many companies and also dealers who took part in the current survey have already been working successfully with the Gelsenkirchen-based specialist for fastening systems for many years. "As a company, it is important for us to always be close to our customers and their requirements," emphasizes Christian Horstkötter. "That's why we are also particularly pleased that so many of our customers took part in the survey."

But MASTERFLEX does not only stand for quality products and custom-fit solutions. There are also other aspects that are also important to customers, such as service, advice, price or delivery times. "With regard to these points, too, we now know exactly where we stand," says Christian Horstkötter and adds: "Where so many customer voices come together, we naturally also speak plainly. Particularly with regard to the delivery of goods, our customers have clearly formulated their expectations: It has to be faster." In this context, the ongoing expansion of warehouse and production capacities at the Gelsenkirchen site is of particular importance. "This building expansion will noticeably improve delivery capability and logistics processes as early as spring 2017," Christian Horstkötter says confidently. And not only that. "The survey has also provided us with valuable impetus in other areas," says Christian Horstkötter and continues." We will also take up these suggestions so that we remain the solution provider in the future that is valued as a valuable partner by its customers with regard to service, price, product range and order processing."


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