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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Talent Development @ Masterflex Group: The “Germany Scholarship”

Talent Development @ Masterflex Group


January 2016 - The Scholarship Ball for the Germany scholarship, sponsored by the Technical University of Darmstadt, took place this January for the fifth time. Sponsors, mentors and scholars had the opportunity to get to know each other better and expand on their ideas for further cooperation in the future. Christina Neubauer, Global Head of HR at Masterflex Group (right) met the three Germany-Scholars sponsored by the Masterflex Group: Jessica Stehlik, Fabian Schmidt and Merete Seyfried (from left to right).

All three are studying Industrial Engineering with Business Studies. Christina Neubauer: "The level of dedication and perseverance our scholars put into their studies and indeed society is very impressive. " The three young talents belong to the group of around 1000 scholars, who were awarded a place in the Germany Scholarship at the TU Darmstadt at the start of the program in 2011.

At Masterflex Group, nurturing talent is top priority - Mark Becks, CFO, acts as an experienced mentor for the chosen scholars, happily providing valuable guidance with real business acumen.

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