The VDMA has around 3,000 members, making it the largest network organization for machinery and plant manufacturers in Germany and Europe. "We have exclusive access to companies via the VDMA and the VDMA AG Medizintechnik," explains Simon Zoppke, Global Key Account Manager Food & Pharma. The VDMA AG Medizintechnik, with more than 300 members, forms its own platform and deals with production technology issues along the entire value chain. The food, pharmaceutical and life sciences sectors are closely related to medical technology. "In both areas, the regulatory requirements for products are very high. That's why many companies are active in both areas," Zoppke said.
Among other things, members of the VDMA have the opportunity to participate in webinars, trade fairs and training courses, learn about new legislation or even participate in draft legislation. In any case, they can establish a close connection with machine and plant manufacturers and learn firsthand where the market is heading.
Zoppke: "We therefore rate membership of the VDMA as very positive, as networking within the association works very well."